And because read it aloud eggs and bacon were frying in the skillet.
He has to choose between honoring a friend and winning a battle.
Syntax affects writing since it allows you to write/speak with more clarity as you form your sentences. Some words flow better than others, so modifying syntax will help you get your point across to the reader in a more simple way. It will especially help you get points across with an established tone. This could be by using better wording or moving words around so that it's easier to read and understand.
Hopefully this will help
Tissues can't tell jokes--
Because they have a dry sense of humor!
What did the ketchup say to the refrigerator when somebody opened the door?
"Hey close the door! I'm dressing!"
If i could rearrange the alphabet--
I would put U, and I together!
Um.. I think there's something wrong with my phone..
It doesn't have your number on it.
I wish I was cross-eyed--
So I can see you twice!
I wanted to take pictures of the fog this morning--
but I mist it! ... I guess I'll dew it tomorrow!