Human beings do good things for plenty of reasons, but most importantly they do it to make them feel good about themselves. Helping others gives satisfaction to people.
Altruism means being selfless, it means concerning for the well being of others. Being generous, kind, and unselfishness are all the characteristics of an altruistic person.
Psychologist believe that people practice altruism because:
• It makes them feel good about themselves. We, as a human being always long for respect, so when we do good things it makes other people respect us more.
• Many people do good deeds because there's is concept of going into heaven, hence doing good things will increase their likelihood of getting into the heaven.
• One can also look altruism as an investment strategy. We get what we give, so we do something good for others in a hope that someday people will return that favor.
Whatever the reasons might be, it is important that we keep practicing altruism, because this is something which helps our community to prosper together.