The flow of the Chang Jiang is some 20 times greater than that of the
Huang He. As much of 40% of China's total grain production, 70% of rice
output, and more than 40% of the population are associated with the
Chang Jiang's vast basin that includes more than 3,000 tributaries. With
its numerous tributaries, the Chang Jiang drains nearly 20% of China's
total area. Its upper reaches tap the uplands of the Tibetan Plateau
before sweeping across the enormous and agriculturally productive
Sichuan Basin that supports nearly 10% of China's total population. It
is in the middle course of the Chang Jiang that the controversial Three
Gorges Dam is being constructed.
Asia is the largest out of the two.
D. high and low levels of silica in the different type of lava.
The volcanoes have different types of explosions. Some tend to be highly explosive, some less explosive, some don't have explosions at all, while some have combinations of different eruptions. The reason for this diversity in the eruption types is mostly the composition of the magma, or rather how high is the silica content in it.
Basically, the higher the silica level in the magma the higher the explosiveness, and the lower the silica level the lower the chances of explosiveness. This is the case because the higher amount of silica makes the magma thicker, so the gasses are trapped and they explode, while when the lower silica content makes the magma less thick, so the gasses are not trapped and explosions are lacking.
picture is upside down btw
Geography is land based areas and regions that were constructed by nature, (dirt,iron,ore) it relates to the construction industry because they used the materials nature has used to create the land.