When I was in 3rd grade, I had a substitute teacher in my class. But the sub was mean, well, not mean to me, but to the other students. So, when I finished my class work I went on the computers, and some of my classmates were on the computers also. And I said to the person beside me, "The substitute is so mean, I wish she weren't in this class." And I didn't realized that I said that out loud. The sub was like, "Who said that?" The students at the computers were pointing at me, and the students who were at their desk, didn't know what happened. My friends was like, "No, I don't think it was her, she's too nice to say that. But, I just kept quiet. I felt guilty, but also embarrassed at the same time, so yeah. Then, everyone got back to work, and I was still embarrassed ..
She met her friends in the lobby of the hotel, and they headed over to the pool for a cool, refreshing swim.
The correct option is the first one. This revision is the most concise, free of redundancy. This means that everything necessary is said with no unnecessary words. When we say that someone is in the lobby of a hotel, we already know that they are on the bottom floor. There is no need to include both <em>lobby </em>and <em>bottom floor </em>in the same sentence. The first sentence is the only one that contains only one of these phrases/words.
Another issue with the original sentence is the incorrect use of commas, and another reason the third option is incorrect is awkward word order.
Answer: False
David Ricardo formulated the law of comparative advantage which was published in 1833. The holds that under free trade, an agent will produce more of and consume less of a good for which they have a comparative advantage.
According to David Ricardo, no country has absolute advantage when it comes to trade and he suggested that countries should focus more on producing goods they have comparative advantage in and import those with higher opportunity cost.
In Spanish? it means from