Produced the steam engines which then improved systems of transportation. For example, trains were essential, but relied on burning coal. The steam engine made it more efficient. For the textile industry, the sewing machine was introduced to production lines, helping the processing and usage of cotton to be more efficient.
The government keeps records so we can know, when we need, about the history of our country and its individuals.
Our government also ensures law enforcement by hiring the right people to represent and keep the law and the structures of our society running.
The government also assures us that we can change governors or keep them by voting if we are satisfied or unsatisfied with them.
The government also has the obligation to provide public services to make our lives and specially the lives of the less fortunate easier with the tax money that we pay with our hard work.
<span>capitalism: private property
socialism: government property
capitalism: market determines what gets produced and consumed
socialism: government regulation does
capitalism: long-term economic growth (despite short-term recessions)
socialism: steady stagnation
capitalism: constant technological progress
socialism: copying capitalist technology </span>
Jesus Christ taught through sermons, as do ministers today. He would gather those who came to hear Him, or sometimes just a select few, and teach them important truths using a variety of methods—stories, sayings, instruction, and warnings or promises. He never tiptoed around the truth during these sermons.