72 years
The reign of France's Louis XIV (1638-1715), known as the Sun King, lasted for 72 years, longer than that of any other known European sovereign.
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If the ice caps melted, more sun rays would reach earth. The ice reflects the sunrays but if they disapperead then the sunrays would not be reflected this would increase the effects of global warming. Also water levels would rise since the ice would have melted. meaning beaches might have higher water levels. Also alot animals that lived on the ice caps would die since their natural habitat would be destroyed.
The two nations that suffered the least from the great depression war were Japan and the Soviet Union.
There were many ideas that Rousseau and Voltaire gave the french people, but perhaps the most important was the idea of liberty and freedom from tyranny.
Geography. geography is further divided into various sub branches are human geography, physical geography and environmental geography