B - 24
Haploid cells have only one set of chromosomes while diploid cells have two
Answer: pathogen–host coevolution
A major driver of evolution is Reciprocal coevolution between host and pathogen. Rather than pathogen, one-sided adaptation to a nonchanging host, high virulence specifically favoured during pathogen–host coevolution. In all of the independent replicate populations under coevolution, the pathogen ( B. thuringiensis ) genotype BT-679 with known nematocidal toxin genes of C. elegans and high virulence specifically swept to fixation but only some of them go under one-sided adaptation,
so relative change in B. thuringiensis virulence was greater than the relative change in C. elegans resistance is due to the elevated copy numbers of the plasmid containing the nematocidal toxin genes
The answer is the last one. Countercurrent multiplication in the kidneys is the way toward utilizing vitality to create an osmotic slope that empowers you to reabsorb water from the tubular liquid and deliver concentrated pee. It is discovered broadly in nature and particularly in mammalian organs.
Countercurrent multiplication was initially considered as a system whereby pee is gathered in the nephron. At first, concentrated in the 1950s by Gottschalk and Mylle following Werner Kuhn's hypotheses, this instrument picked up notoriety simply after a progression of confounded micropuncture tests.