According to “Congress and the Quest for Power” by Lawrence Dodd, people enter politics because of their quest for power.
<h3>Dodd asserts that “
reelection” is necessary for three reasons. What are these three reasons?</h3>
The three reasons why reelections are required are:
- Personal Power
- Aura of Personal Legitimacy
- Opportunity go gain expertise and experience.
<h3>The “electoral connection” will lead members of Congress to emphasize what traits? </h3>
The “electoral connection” will lead members of Congress to emphasize :
- Form over substance
- Position Taking
- Advertisement
- Credit claiming.
<h3>What traits or actions will they begin to care about less?</h3>
The traits or actions they begin to care about less are:
- Failure to take clear and controversial positions;
- Failure to make hard choices
- Failure to exercise power.
<h3>What motive causes each member of Congress to be in conflict with each other?</h3>
The need to exercise power for making key policy decisions.
<h3>Where do Congress members spend the most time? Why?</h3>
They spend most of their time in:
- the committee or sub committee rooms
- in caucus meetings; or
- Office work related to legislation.
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Blurring fact and fiction to find an underlying truth.
They issue recalls. A recall is when a company realizes that a product has a defect that might be dangerous or causes the product to malfunction. When a thing is recalled, all stores selling it send it back to the manufacturer, while people who bought it are allowed to return it for repair or often to get another product instead of that one for free.