Voting rights I believe were restricted in that only one party the Socialist party was allowed. Some socialist countries at least where power was obtained by revolution in the world, like the Soviet Union or in Cuba had/have a one party system but still have democratic votes for various things, whereas more recently, socialist governments have come to power through the ballot box in countries like Venezuela or Bolivia.
Abraham Lincoln was born on February 12, 1809.
The biggest difference between Wilson's Fourteen points and the Paris Peace Conference agreement was on how to deal with the war losses and the socio-economic future of Europe.
Woodrow Wilson did not talk about war repatriation or any 'revenge' upon an enemy nation. Instead he spoke about the rights of people, discussed free trade and an end to hostilities and also discussed the formation of a few borders, especially an Independent Polish State and the future of the Ottoman Empire.
This however, did not go down well with the European powers, who had bared the real cost of the war. The French industry had collapsed under German pressure and the country was looking for millions in repatriation costs.
The Russians were not happy with an Independent 'Polish' State and had their own claim to the region.
Eventually, the 14 points were rejected, which many claim, eventually led to the second world war.
1. War of 1812
2. Oil Embargo of 1973
3. The Creation of the Bullmoose party