Confucius- Confucius believed that a ruler should rule by virtue instead of strict laws, so that their subjects would have a sense of shame when wrong doing. He also believed that rulers should be well educated. "It is learning and practice that set them apart". According to Confucius everyone had their duties, or the five relationships; which states the status of people in society. (Father-son, elder brother-younger brother, ruler-subjects, husband-wife, friend-friend)- Five Relationships. He also put filial piety, or respect for parents. Confucius also believed in filial piety, which means respect to parents.
b) Hanfeizi- Hanfeizi believed that the nature of man is evil, and the only way to achieve an orderly society was to pass strict laws to oppress the evil in people. "His goodness is achieved". He believed that its strength, not goodness' was a leader's greatest virtue. According to the Legalists, neither the wisdom of ancient kings nor an ethical code would make a state strong. Instead "good" and "bad" were defined by whatever the self-interest of the ruler demanded.
c) Laozi- Laozi believed that Government was the cause of many problems, because those in authority are too fond of action. "The best Government was the one who governed the least". Taoism encourages its followers to act in "harmony with the order of nature"
idk if that makes sense to u, but it does it me