Contributions of the Etruscans to Roman Civilization
1. Architecture - pillars and arches
2. Engineering - draining and irrigation trenches
3. Government - kings - destroy and rebuild
4. Metalworking - tools, urns, statues, helmets, throat guards
5. Mysticism - gods gave signs in nature
6. Sculpture - realistic and paid close attention to nature
7. Social Organization - kings (nobility), wealthy, slaves
8. Sporting Events - gladiator combat and chariot racing.
Contributions of the Greeks to Roman Civilization
1. Coinage - made trade more efficient
2. Monumental Buildings - size filled the people with awe, saw harmony and proportion
3. Mythology - gods controlled life from founding cities, healing the sick, and winning battles
4. Philosophy - love of wisdom, system of logic
5. Pottery - beauty and useful
6. Science - study of stars, music and math, numbers control the universe
7. Theater - developed from religious rites and honored the gods and asked for good harvests
8. Writing - used to display laws and treaties in public and on papyrus for personal letters