Senators represent the whole of their state, a much larger number of people than members of the House of Representatives. A 6 year term gives them more time work for the people they represent.
In every society, the government needs to have what are called police powers. What this means is that the governments need to have the right to uphold the laws. Governments need to have this ability so that they can protect their citizens from others who would seek to prey on them. Without police powers, for example, there is no one to protect us from being murdered or robbed, or otherwise harmed.
The problem is that the government can take away our rights in the process of trying to protect us. For example, let us imagine that the government is worried about drug use. It therefore declares that it has the right to test any person for drug use at any time. It also declares that it has the right to search anyone’s house at any time for evidence of drug manufacture, sale, or use. This would be great for law and order because it would make it much harder to get away with drug crimes, but it would be terrible for our rights.
it wuz a gun he PULLED DA TRIGER
common law
Britain and the colonists
- The development of the British colonies, which until the mid-18th century. st. achieved considerable self-government, it was constrained by the arbitrary taxation of the colonists (Stamp Act of 1765, Townshend Act of 1770), who in the 1760s began to resist the centralist and mercantilist policies of British rule.
- Thus, in 1765, the Sons of Liberty were founded in New England, and in the same year the Stamp Act was enacted.
- Congress refused all extraordinary taxes, a boycott of British goods was declared, and is the accepted principle of the No taxation without representation policy of the American colonies.
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Freedom of faith was a big motivation for the English. In 1620, a group of settlers left England to seek the New World. Many were separatists, who believed the Church of England was dishonorable. By seeking out the New World, they were trying to break away and worship their own faith.