I have three kids and got pregnant when I was seven.I had my kids on my birthday.They are triplets if you didn’t know that. They are all girls their names are Artemis, Atlanta, Angelynn.Even thought I was eight when I had them because 1 was born a few hours before, I had custody over them since they were born. I still do my school and homework. I am a semi-stay at home mom. I work when my kids are at school. I have always had a good relationship with my kids, they are just like their mother. Sassy, bossy, and overall fashionistas.I fell in love with them on first sight. They are my everything. I would take a bullet for them so even thought im a teen mom.Well technically, I was probably more challenged because I was a child-mom, im a teen -mom at the current. After you have your kids you will instantly fall in love with them. Even though it will be weird at first.You will get used to it and it will be a normal habit. I love my kids with all my heart , and you will too. Its like taking a leap of faith, saying you can do this, because you can.
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