DNA obj =new DNA;//obj object created dynamically.
DNA *dnaPtr=&obj.//dnaPtr to store the address of the object.
The above written statements are in C++.The DNA object is created dynamically and it is done in C++ by using new keyword which allocates the heap memory for the object.
Then a dnaPtr is created of type DNA so that it can store the address of the DNA objects.
Depending on the data all answers can be used to make it easier to read. Without more info I would go with Borders (D) since they are the best way to group the data when printed, especially if the print is in color.
Alignment would be the correct answer only if the data goes out of cell boundaries. Font Color usually makes it harder to read because of bad contrast and finally changing the Font Style has a minimal effect since the default one is already pretty readable.
Windows 10 thru 7 home and some people use mac osx
To keep the medical records confidential otherwise, hackers would take advantage of them and sell them to the highest bidder
Blaster Worm., the worm has been designed to tunnel into your system and allow malicious users to control your computer remotely. A Trojan horse is not a virus. It is a destructive program that looks as a genuine application. Unlike viruses, Trojan horses do not replicate themselves but they can be just as destructive.