pretty sure it was large, whether or not it was ill prepared to fight is up for debate. It's been a few years since I revised this, but I'm pretty sure that during the Schleiffen plan the German army relied on the Russians being too slow to defend themselves, however they were quicker than expected? due to this and the sheer size of the army itself I would say d, large and well prepared to fight. They were large enough that even if they were awful in combat they would still be a force to be reckoned with, as they could afford to supply men after men without running out, unlike the German army.
Between the 16th and seventeenth century, the Jesuits played a very vital role in introducing western knowledge, science and culture to the China.
There work layed foundation for Christian culture in China today.
They Jesuits introduced CONFUCIAN LITERATI - which is the introduction of European science to Chinese culture
They were expressions of religious beliefs
The May 4, 1886, rally at Haymarket Square was organized by labor radicals to protest the killing and wounding of several workers by the Chicago police during a strike the day before at the McCormick Reaper Works.