I did not experience trouble deciding what fields to study in after high school.
Having known that I have always been a very kinesthetic learner, and since it was apparent that I enjoyed a fluctuation in my day-to-day activities, I have known that I wanted to study gastroenterology. This profession not only allows me to provide a helping hand to the world around me, but I may also experience new things every single day. The paycheck also persuaded me...just a little.
Flawless means without faults
It demonstrates how social media has the capacity to spread information faster than traditional outlets.
The above is the way this passage develop the overall claim about social media and the spread of information.
From the given passage, we can see that the death of Whitney Houston was first published on Twitter before AP could confirm the story. This actually shows that social media has the capacity to disseminate information faster than traditional outlets. This is so because a vast number of people are on social media and can easily access information faster than from traditional platforms.
The use of tagging and hashtags are avenues provided by social media in order to get information across to audience faster.
Posting personal information online, such as pictures and thoughts, cannot be permanently deleted. Others could find it, which can affect career or school options even years into the future.
Hope this helps