checks and balances. I believe that is what you want
counterbalancing influences by which an organization or system is regulated, typically those ensuring that political power is not concentrated in the hands of individuals or groups.
It become a concern of the military planners due to the high casualty the marines suffered during the taking of Iwo Jima. Also the battle proved that even though the battle was an American Victory the Japanese army is prepared to die defending and willing to wage a suicide attacks even though they already know that they lost the war. That also attacking the Japanese Home Islands would be a costly attack of lives of american soldiers and the new strategy develop in Iwo Jima would be an arduous battle if the Americans would invade the Japanese Island with the Japanese people that is already to prepare to die fighting.
High unemployment and it was the worst economic downturn in history.
Postclassical. The classical era was antiquity which ended with the fall of Rome. Post means after so postclassical is after the fall of Rome which is the same as medieval.