should be all except for right to a free education
With print media, you can only type so much and use a limited amount of pictures, but with television, you can use footage and words.
The reality of war was in stark contrast to the previous beliefs and attitudes Europeans had.
Pre-war Europe included many nations that celebrated their military. To fight was to be honorable and glorious. However, in the Great War, warfare was much more gruesome than previously. The introduction of gas attacks, trench warfare, and other technological/military "improvements" caused lives to be needlessly lost for little to nothing in advancements. During and after the war, people began to realize that it wasn't worth it and the youth suffered terribly.
Answer: The Lewis and Clark Expedition began in 1804, when President Thomas Jefferson ... with exploring lands west of the Mississippi River that comprised the Louisiana Purchase. The expedition provided new geographic, ecological and social information about previously uncharted areas of North America.
The answer is B). They would have been executed for treason. These men were putting their lives at serious risk, because they were trying to gain independence directly against the king's consent.