Public Relations Manager - Manages what the media / customers of the "outside world" perceive of this certain company
If a business or company has poor impressions on / with the public, they would hire / go to a public relations manager. Notice the "Public Relations" in that name. These type of people are hired to help improve the look or image (Not literally) of a company. They keep the company up-do-date on the latest news and trends, making them look better.
The company wants to look good to the media and such, so they hire someone to go in and make them "look better" than they have been in the past. It's all about what people see and think of the that keeps them striving and top notch.
Fitness service around the time after new year cuz ppl start to getting fat cuz of earing too much during new year holidday l aroung jan to mar that s when ppl start to be very fire up about getting in shape