<u>Option-(E): It is the best option to choose from.</u>
<u> Lithogenous sediments:</u> "Those particles or sediments which are formed by the weathering process of rocks, and mostly from the events occurring in the oceanic volcano."
<u>Vdiatom ooze:</u> It is not a lithogenous sediment, as it is a bio-genic pelagic sediment found deep down in the ocean bed.
<u>As Examples of lithogenous sediment includes; </u>
- volcanogenic sediments,
- glacial deposits,
- illite clays,
- And beach sands.
Beacause if we lived too close to sun we be burnt
Natural materials are those that are found in nature and have not been made by humans. By comparison, synthetic materials are man-made and cannot be found in nature. Synthetic products are usually created in laboratories by mixing different chemicals, or prepared compounds and substances made in a laboratory.
71°23' N ( north)and 18°55' N (south)