It was a railroad that ran from east coast to west coast.
The Spanish Missions in Texas comprise a series of religious outposts established by Spanish ... Since 1493, Spain had maintained missions throughout New Spain (Mexico ... and 1830-all the missions still operating in Texas were officially secularized, ... In its first two years of existence, the mission faced much hardship, ...
The sections of the Transcontinental Railroad joined together in Utah at a place called Promontory Point in 1869 where a famous photograph was taken of the two construction crew (minus the Asian workers who were forbidden from being in the photo) meeting and uniting the rail with a Golden Spike.
read about this in a recent study
Senator Charles Sumner, an abolitionist leader before the Civil War and a powerful foe of conciliation toward states that had seceded after the war, considered his field to be "in morals, not politics." He is best remembered for surviving an attack by Representative Preston Brooks in 1856 during which Brooks beat Sumner with a cane on the Senate floor. Brooks' attack was a sign of the increasing hostility between the North and South in the years leading up to the Civil War.