In the national popular vote, <u>Gore</u> received <u><em>48.4 percent</em></u> while <u>Bush</u> received <u><em>47.9</em></u>, <em>losing by over 540,000 votes</em>. U.S. presidents, however, are chosen by the Electoral College, a system in which “electoral votes” are assigned to states based on their population and then awarded as a lump sum to the winner of the popular vote in that state – currently, it takes 270 electoral votes to win. By the end of Election Night, 2000, <em><u>Gore’s tally stood at 250 and Bush’s stood at 246 with Oregon</u></em>, Wisconsin and Florida too close to call.
It includes: To say He has no flaw in His Perfection, that He is Far above any imperfection. He is far above and beyond any similarity to His Creation. He is free from and above all kinds of association (shirk) and any un-divine attributes.
The NAACP wanted freedom for African Americans, women, and other minority groups and wanted to advance their situation in society. UNIA wanted to wanted to advance African Americans all over the world and eventually lost its light and purpose and died out.