The industrial use of steam power started with Thomas Savery in 1698. He constructed and patented in London the first engine, which he called the "Miner's Friend" since he intended it to pump water from mines.
Yes the Founding Fathers were justified in rebelling
The British at the time were taxing the colonists for the war against the Native Americans and were also infringing on the New Settler's rights alongside forcing the common folk to use their house for British soldiers
La respuesta correcta es C) En el periodo clásico.
¿En qué época estaba Grecia cuando Clístenes propuso los primeros pasos de la democracia?
Respuesta: En el periodo clásico.
Clístenes fue el político griego que concibió la idea de crear un nuevo sistema de gobierno llamado Democracia. Clístenes lo llamó "el gobierno basado en los ciudadanos."
Clístenes fue un líder de Atenas, la ciudad-estado más importante de Grecia junto con Esparta. Quiso darle a los ciudadanos la oportunidad de elegir a sus gobernantes y creó un sistema tan interesante, que influyó a los subsecuentes sistemas de gobierno en el mundo.
El sistema que propuso sentó las bases de lo que posteriormente -en la época de la Iluminación- pensadores como Montesquieu se refirieron a un poder ejecutivo, un poder legislativo y un poder judicial.
C. Presidents have more frequently used military force without congressional declarations of war.
The framers did not give much attention to the Executive Branch in the Constitutional Convention of 1787. During that time there was a reluctance to concede much power to the federal government, they wanted to give states independence.
Along with the years of the nation’s Constitution, more power was given to the executive branch, President Lincoln, for example, signed an executive order that suspended the write of habeas corpus, President FDR got the Congress to pass a major program that increased the size and scope of Executive Branch agencies and signed the Executive Order 8381 that created the classification of information which allowed the Executive Branch to limit certain information to the public.
George W. Bush also signed the USA Patriot Act into law and gave major authority to the executive branch.