If scrap, common to all jobs, is returned to the storeroom and the time between the scrap being inventoried and its disposal is
quite lengthy, the journal entry is: Work-in-Process Control Materials Control Materials Control Work-in-Process Control Manufacturing Overhead Control Materials Control Materials Control Manufacturing Overhead Control
The principle of quality states that the experiences that engage us in the most critical components of an activity are most likely to increase our capacity to perform that activity. Critical components are the elements of an activity that are most important for performing it at a high level. To be really good at an activity, you must focus on what factor you need most and improve that area.The principle of quantity states that when all other factors are equal, increasing the frequency of our engagement with the critical components of an activity usually
results in the largest performance improvement in that activity. Generally, the performer whose experiences have engaged her most often in the critical components of an activity usually becomes the most competent in that activity.A physical activity professional asked to create a plan to decrease the time in a marathoner’s performance would begin by conducting a analysis. The critical components in this activity relate to physical performance capacity more than skill.
b. New brands require higher spending to reach a minimum level of exposure needed to affect purchase habits
New brands with a small market share tend to spend proportionately more for advertising and sales promotion than those with a large market share because a certain minimum level of exposure is needed to measurably affect purchase habits.