Assuming you had to choose between:
- <em>Democratic Primary Election</em>
- <em>Iowa Caucus</em>
- <em>Democratic National Convention</em>
- <em>None of the above</em>
The answer is: the Democratic Primary Election.
You could also add the Democratic National Convention, but only pledged delegates get to vote for their Presidential nominee (+ Vice President) in these elections, and not all citizens.
In the case of the Democratic Primary Election, however, all citizens vote for the candidate they want to run as a Democrat in the general election. Winning candidates then send their nominees to the Democratic National Convention.
the industrial revolution made the factories produce more goods due to technological advancments
The BPP’s Ten Point Program outlined a vision for liberation, encompassing demands for jobs, housing, education, and self-determination. In its early phase, the party’s activity focused on “point 7”: the fight against police brutality. Making use of their Constitutional rights, the Panthers boldly asserted their intention to use arms to defend the Black community from police violence. the struggle against anti-Black racism was the central flashpoint that opened up a mass radicalization around a whole host of issues––from war and imperialism, to women’s and LGBT oppression, to class inequality and capitalism. By the end of the 1960s, millions of young Americans believed a revolution was necessary in this country and thousands flooded into revolutionary groups like the BPP.
0n February 1970, Kathleen Cleaver, communication secretary of the Black Panther Party (BPP), was asked by a reporter and She responded, in part: “No one ever asks what a man’s place in the Revolution is."
America expanding westward, & the abolishment movement created tension of the use of slavery. Many southerners believed that slavery should be allowed, while Northerners began to question the need for slaves. The tension resulted in the Civil War, and by the end, 4 million slaves had been freed from slavery.
The British founded Jamestown