Because when you confessed they would not kill you. Confession was the only way to save yourself.
Bandits were a common threat along the Silk Road. The bandits learned that not only silk was being traveled through those roads, but also gold, precious stones, glass, and other materials from China.
Depending on the crime yes, major crimes are usually the only time a person would be killed that way, giving the pain it is valid for the major crime. Doctors should be present when administrated.
It would be very difficult to argue that one person/event can accurately summarize the huge political, social, and economic changes that took place during this era. One must consider that this time period saw the anti-war movement, civil rights movement, environmental movement, and parts of the women's rights movement. No one person or event involved all of these different changes at once.
However, if you were to make this argument you could use the following:
a) Martin Luther King Jr.- His role in the Civil Rights movement and peace movement make him one of the biggest civil rights icons of the 21st century.
b) March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom- This 1963 march included hundreds of thousands of Americans and allowed MLK to give his "I have a dream speech."
The route passed through some of the most difficult terrain of western China by traveling west, then north, to Shaanxi. The Long March began the ascent to power of Mao Zedong, whose leadership during the retreat gained him the support of the members of the party.
i don't know if helps you....parang Ang layo naman Ng sagot ko sa tanong mo