Here's what the question says: "It's never too late to learn! Imagine that you're a professor of computers. You have to teach a group of retired people to use email. Write instructions on how to open and use an email account. Use the words below:"
The words are: adjuntar-attatch
arroba- @ (i think. In this context that seems most appropriate)
borrar- delete
buscador - search ( or like, search engine thing )
contraseno - password or pass code
pagina web - web page :)
the bottom words just say "email manual"
If I were you, I would write something simple if you don't understand Spanish. I suggest bullet-pointing a sentence for each word as follows:
-Primero, vaya a la pagina web de correo electronico.
-Asegúrese de que las letras en el motor de búscador ya no están. Borrar letras innecesarias
- Ahora, crea una cuenta. Asegúrate de usar una buena contraseña.
- Adjunte un "at" a su nombre de correo electrónico.
There you go!
Go to and there you will find your answer.
C. El no conoce la.
The phrase is used incorrectly in C because the sentence didn't end.
If you're asking what it means,
the ballet dancer (or just dancer).
The arms.
The sentence seems incomplete. So i woulds think it's La bailarina en los brazos
Nuestros patrones de conducta, sistemas de creencias, principios y formas de vida derivan de la cultura, que en pocas palabras es la suma de todas las formas de arte, de amor y de pensamiento, que con el paso del tiempo han permitido a los seres humanos ser más libres.
Explanation:Here is the translation to english. Our behavior patterns, belief systems, principles and ways of life derive from culture, which in short is the sum of all forms of art, love and thought, which with the passage of time have allowed beings humans be freer.