After the exam, we went out to lunch together.
La investigación es una actividad orientada a la obtención de nuevos conocimientos y su aplicación para la solución a problemas o interrogantes de carácter científico
When I was in 6th grade, I had to do a project that was EXACTLY like this except we got to pick our own place. My friend and I did Venezuela.
This isn't that hard. Just go to you search engine and type in "description of climate in (the southern state you pick(ed))"
Do that for every piece of information you have.
I cannot do this for you because it's a project and asking someone to do on here it is basically against Brainly rules(which is why someone probably reported this(it wasn't me, I swearmy life))
To make a brochure, use a your computer software. There is one on Microsoft Word.
You can get images off the computer. (I'd do that rather then drawing them)
Use accurate sites for information like Britannica or whatever. Nothing like from sites like Wikipedia, Y!A, or things like that.
Best of luck!
Hola, mi nombre es xypnu y yo tengo 15 años y yo vivo en Texas. Primero, Yo me despierto a las 8:00 de la mañana y cepillo mis dientes. Segunda, yo atiendo mis classes en línea. Tercer, yo me tomo un baño usando shampoo y peino mi pelo. Tercer, yo como desayuno mientras mis amigos comen desayuno antes que se tomen un baño. Cuarto, yo juego video juegos y como almuerzo a las 12:00 de la mañana. Finalmente, después de comer cena y descansar, me duermo a las 12:00 de la noche.