Avoiding conflict can be an appropriate choice, depending on the circumstances.
According to Thomas-Kilmann avoiding is an appropriate form of dealing with conflict when used in the following situations: When an issue is trivial and other issues are more important or pressing - use time and effort where it will be most productive.
1. Yelling with all our might - participle phrase
we- the word being modified
Answer: They feel like they are not being heard.
"always wanted to do things differently"
a child, typically a badly behaved one.
Doing things differently could be counted as misbehaving depending on what it is. But if we look at the rest of our answers,
" continued to do so " doesn't answer anything to do with the word ' brat '.
" graduate college and enroll in medical school " doesn't seem like something a brat would do if they were a misbehaved child.
" high hopes " doesn't answer anything to do with the word ' brat '.
the society un Fahrenheit 451 rids itself of every book, which are used as a basic learning tool. The reason why they do this, is to ensure that it's citizens do not gain knowledge outside of what the government allows. with that being said , the society in Farenheit expects less out of its citizens because they are intentionally dulling their knowledge.