The Stone Age equivalent of a food processor could have triggered the most momentous changes in human evolution, allowing a plant-eating ape with a big jaw and small brain to become a large-brained, small-faced human capable to intelligent thought and speech, scientists have suggested.
to William Morningstar's home
La playa Monterrico es una hermosa playa ubicada en la Costa del Pacífico de Guatemala al sur del departamento de Santa Rosa. . Monterrico es conocido por ser centro de reserva natural. Es conocido por poseer playas negras de arena volcánica y por la afluencia anual de tortugas marinas.
Si Usted visita la playa de Monterrico podrá disfrutar de paisajes paradisíacos de manglares, parques acuáticos y tortugarios así como de un clima cálido y agradable con una temperatura promedio de 30ºC
Vaya, descanse, disfrute y relajese en esta bella zona de Centro America junto al sol, arena y mar
The correct answer is Él ve a la duquesa.
The important thing about this sentence is knowing how to locate the article.
Articles always accompany a noun with which they agree in gender (masculine, feminine) and number (singular, plural). In Spanish, there are two types of articles: indeterminate articles (un, una, unas, unas) and definite articles (el / los, la / las, lo).
The way in which this sentence would be correctly written would be:
Pronoun + verb + preposition + definite article + noun.
Él ve a la duquesa.