Night anddddd day and this is the amswer!!!!
Personally, I believe school newspapers wouldn't be considered as being under the first amendment, for the simple fact that kids are minorities, and aren't seen as capable of making legal decisions in the eye of the law. If young people aren't even allowed to vote for their own president, until they're 18 or so. Then a school newspaper wouldn't be counted under the first amendment either, because simply-put, if the youth's views are easily brushed aside in regular politics, what makes a school's newspaper, written by students for students, any more valid?
This isn't the only reason why school newspapers wouldn't count, though. You see, the government and the school board are seperate entities. Meaning, while the government can control and decide curriculum for schools to follow, the rest of the country's laws don't necessarily apply to the students in a school setting, so freedom of the press wouldn't apply to them either. This intern, would mean that a school newspaper isn't a thing that would be protected under the first amendment. Does this mean I agree with the government's reasoning, for not allowing school newspapers protection under the first amendment? Well, yes, becasue school newspapers are strictly a school thing, for students, and doesn't translate into the real world let alone politics.
Sorry for the long answer, but hope it helps :)
Arachne has become arrogant because of her weaving prowess.
Athena abused her power to turn arachne into a spider.
A different myth states that Arachne killed herself after being ridiculed by athena and the townspeople, Athena revived her as a spider.
The correct answer is 'subject'. You can tell what the subject of a sentence is by asking yourself what the verb is referring to. In this case, the verb, 'was', is saying that 'That I was in a hurry' was no excuse, so it must be a subject.
Hope this helps!
different ethnicities can different languages and often times when you know a certain language that puts you in a certain group of people
knowing a language means that you can converse with people that know the same language and share ideas with them. If i speak english and i have to choose wether or not to talk to a person that knows english or a person that speaks spanish, im going to talk to the person that speaks english because its easier to share your ideas with them. technically, knowing the language puts you in the group of speaking that language and people never want to go the hard way to try and talk to the person that wants to speak spanish. not to mention the fact that when someone knows your langauage, you feel more comfortable around them. If i am asian and I speak cantonese, but im in the middle of a english speaking crowd, i definatly feel more comfortable if i meet someone that can speak cantonese as well. Does that help??