The power to "make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing powers...."
The "Elastic Clause" of the Constitution grants Congress power to pass unspecified laws These could be "necessary and proper" for the exercise of its expressed powers.
Implied powers have often been controversial
Over time, Congress's powers have grown as more and more kinds of government activity have been accepted as implied powers
Answer: Albany Plan
The Albany Plan of Union was one of many attempts to unify the colonies under one government. It was created by Benjamin Franklin, then delegate of Pennsylvania, at the Albany Congress on July 10, 1754 in Albany, New York.
The Plan called for a general government that was to be administered by a President General that was appointed by the Crown and a Grand council of delegates nominated by the colonial assemblies, roughly to match colony size. Each colony, however, would only have one vote and decision making would be by unanimous consensus.
Copies of the Plan were sent to the Colonial Assemblies and the Board of Trade in London, however, they both rejected the Plan.
The American System promised to help their industries obtain raw materials. The American System promised to improve overseas trade with Europe.
Answer: The yellow river is located at (LETTER B) The structure built to keep out the northern barbarians was called the (Great Wall) and is located at (LETTER C) The Silk Road is located at (LETTER A)
El principal descontento fueron los fuertes impustos que se Les impulso alos habitantes de estas colonias, al punto de encaminar ese decontento en la revolucion americana, y gestar un sentido de iedentidad americana que llevo a la declarasion de la independecia en el año 1776.