Christians follow both the old and new Testaments and use both as a part of their beliefs
Anglo-Zanzibar War
it lasted less then an hour.
Yes, the current American tendency to blame the poor for unfavorable conditions is similar to racist attitudes of the past. Groups in power, whether by class or race, have always tended to attribute their issues to outside parties such as the less-privileged strata of society. For example, Hitler blamed Germany’s post-WWI economic and political suffering on the domestic Jewish population, encouraging the entitled and intolerant “Aryan” Germans. In America today, political groups that are composed of the most-fortunate demographics of society tend to blame the poor for high taxes and invasive social programs. As always, xenophobia against impoverished immigrants prevails and continues to perpetuate the use of “scape-goats” for economic and societal issues brought by other factors.
To keep discreet and out of the way of the white people.
Your welcome!
The agreement that president enters which does not require the consent of the Senate are referred to as executive agreement.
The officer who presides over Senate when vice president is not present is president of pro tempore and he should be an officer who is chosen by members of Senate. Advises and consent is when the Senate approves the presidential nominees to cabinet members or courts.
The Senate power of consent and advice does not apply to executive orders. Legislative process and a house of representative they approve a bill to become a law.