Millie Lamar was a traveling show personality, who did bookings across the country in dime museums, on vaudeville and variety stages and inside railroad tent circus side shows.
The long haired babes were sisters Florence and Mary Martin were "employees" of P.T. Barnum of New York during the 1800s.
There were several proposals for a Jewish state in the course of Jewish history between the destruction of ancient Israel and the founding of the modern State of Israel. While some of those have come into existence, others were never implemented. The Jewish national homeland usually refers to the State of Israel[1] or the Land of Israel,[2] depending on political and religious beliefs. Jews and their supporters, as well as their detractors and anti-Semites have put forth plans for Jewish states.
Bang bang by Ariana Grande
Democratic socialism is defined as having a socialist economy in which the means of production are socially and collectively owned or controlled, alongside a democratic political system of government. For Hain, this authoritarian and democratic divide is more important than that between reformists and revolutionaries.
Answer:the recognition of Indian treaties by the United States government, among other goals such as sovereignty and the protection of Native Americans and their liberties.