One of the organization whose initiatives addresses social issues of inequality of gender is the one called ASAP which is the African solutions to African Problems organizanization. What they do is that they <span>identify rural women caring for orphans and vulnerable children in their communities and they develop their skills and knowledge so that they are able to create sustainable community care centres.</span>
If you walk outside your door and look up you'll see that the sky is what's up. It made me put more than "the sky." But there ya go. That is what's up.
1. Hodie viis ad Europam ambulamus.
2. Romanas terras pugnis non occupabunt!
3. Carro et equo ex provinciis cibum portabamus.
4. Romani ("The Romans" - nom. pl) deos templis, sacrificiis et statuis laudabant.
5. Servus in arena gladio pugnabit.
Your sentences are in Latin.
I provided a translation of them in English for you below.
1. Today we walk the way to Europe.
2. Roman lands punches not occupy!
3. cars and horse carrying food from the provinces.
4. Roman ( "The Roman" - nom. Pl) gods, temples and statues meal mask.
5. The slave sword fight in the arena.
I'm not sure if you wanted a translation or what. You didn't provide any directions.
If this wasn't what you where looking for, just comment below and I will change my answer.
Hope I hepled otherwise!!
every animal and human beings need water to survive.
according to me I think it's camels cuz it can survive without water for days.