Isla Margarita
Isla Margarita is one of Venezuela’s more developed islands. It is set about 40 km (24.85 mi) off the mainland and is immensely popular among tourists who are fond of sunbathing. The key attractions of this captivating island include the lovely, soft sand beaches that are as popular to the locals as they are to foreigners.
Is this supposed to be a circle or something else. Let me know ASAP to put me on the right track to solving it.
The Maldives There it’s southwest of India and Sri Lanka
Landforms are the physical features on the Earth's surface. Mountains, Plateaus and Plains are some major landforms of the Earth
Standards of living in Western European Contries are higher than the world average because the GDP Per Capita of Western European Countries is higher than the world average.
Standards of living in Western European Countries are also high because the governments of these countries offer many social services, either free, or at low costs.
Western European Countries are mostly peaceful, with only very localized crime and violence.
Finally, Western European Countries developed very fast during the latter half of the XX century, but economic growth has stagnated in recent decades.