The actual correct answer is A railroads
Boat is an asset.
Most liquid = $5 bill
Second most = Fund in saving account
Third most = Bond
least liquid = Boat
Liquidity means easily convertible into cash. $5 bill is the most liquid while asset cannot be easily and readily convertible into cash.
1 ABC Jan 100 Call
Although the OCC does not usually adjust the strike price of listed options for regular quarterly cash dividends. This is because they are known quantity that are segmented by the market into options premium.
For special cash dividends, they are not a frequent event hence market does not recognize them. This special cash dividend is $10 per share × 100 shares = $1,000 value per contract. It therefore means that the $1,000 value per contract will be adjusted.
The new strike price will be
= 110 - 10 cash dividend
= 100. It also means that the number of shares covered by the contract does not change.
A. Currency exchange-Foreign money
B.Commodity Market-Raw, unprocessed goods
C.Stock Market -Shares in corporations
Currency exchange market- this is market that deals with the exchange of foreign currencies where the participants members are able to buy and sell currencies. They are normally made of banks, commercial companies, Forex brokers and many other participants.
Commodity Market- This is a type of market where unprocessed materials are sold. Many producers buy the raw materials from these market for further processing.
Stock market- This is the market that deals with trading of shares. Sellers and buyers of stocks which is also called shares gather here. This normally happens that a certain company needs to raise a certain amount of money so the stock buyer will have bought a piece of that company.
The answer is <u>"A. Mutual funds".</u>
A mutual fund is a professionally overseen investment support that pools cash from numerous speculators to buy securities. These speculators might be retail or institutional in nature.
Mutual funds have points of interest and drawbacks contrasted with direct putting resources into individual securities. The essential favorable circumstances of mutual funds are that they give economies of scale, a larger amount of broadening, they give liquidity, and they are overseen by expert financial specialists. On the negative side, financial specialists in a mutual funds must pay different charges and costs.