The unanimous opinion in Brown v. Board of Education was written by Earl Warren.
<u>Further Explanation:-
<u>Brown vs Board of education was considered as the landmark decision which was made by the Supreme court of the United States in the year 1950</u>. This case started when a girl named Linda Brown who used to study in third grade and belonged to the black community had to walk more than a mile every day to reach her school which was made for segregated children whereas we talk about the school for the white children then it was only seven blocks away as during that period of time students of black and white community were not allowed to study in the same school.
Parents of Linda Brown wanted her to study in elementary school made for whites and many parents along with the father of Linda Brown asked for admission of their children in schools for white but the principal of that school denied their request and this case further accelerated and went to the supreme court as their stand was the schools were not following the rule of 'Separate but Equal'. <u>Finally, after years of argument, Parents of Linda Brown won the case and the ruling of this case was Earl Warren was the chief justice of the United States Supreme Court during that period of time.</u>
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1. Why did Europeans ship goods to Africa during triangular trade?
2. The closest the world came to war during the cold war was when the soviet union placed missiles on the Caribbean island.
Answer details:
Grade – High School
Subject – History
Chapter – Earl Warren
Keywords –Earl Warren, Linda Brown, Segregation, Supreme Court, United States, Grade, Blacks, Whites, Education, Elementary.
Nationalism is the identification with one's own nation and to the exclusion or detriment of the interests of other nations. Hence the effect is negative.
<h3>Effect of nationalism on networks, production and distribution</h3>
Nationalism affect networks, production and distribution in such a way that a significant proportion of consumers will not be willing to buy imported produce from countries that are in conflict with theirs. Hence, those whose ethnocentric and economic-centric relationship are strong would exhibit this trait.
The implication is that networking of good to to such country will be distorted, low production may set in, and by extension, distribution may need to follow other channels.
Therefore, the effects will be enormous and very negative to the producing countries.
learn more about nationalism:
He was a French historian and political scientist who championed "uniquely American" values such as egalitarianism.
In ancient Mesopotamian civilization, Ziggurats were built for local religions. These were raised platforms in temple complexes that accommodated many rooms and chambers for temple priests to take care of the God and Goddess. They were built with a notion that the temples will be closer to heaven and also Gods.
The kings would continuously rebuild the ziggurats above the old one to prove their religious dedication and fervor.