Five laws I would make federal would be; one, Is that if you animal abuse you go to jail, two, if you bully in school or anywhere , you get punished BIG TIME, three, if you do you work correctly at school you get money from the principle , teacher , ect. , four, children 11 and up are allowed to have a job or work somewhere with supervision from and adult or someone 18+, five, if you are racist , you get punished BIG TIME, some of these laws would really make the world a better place !
Edward have created the emotion of fear in the sermon.
Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God is a discourse written by Jonathan Edwards. In the sermon, Edward have made use of an emotion of fear by putting forward powerful hell imaginary.
Throughout the story Edward have made use of words which are fearful in itself. There’s a line in the story which states that, ‘One is uncertain when he will fall in the pits of hell.’ The impact this sentence have on readers is quite frightful. If we notice at the caption of the sermon, in the caption itself Edward have used alarming words such as ‘sinners’ and ‘Angry god’ causing fearfulness.
Thanksssss a buch i hope you doo to!and letsss do ittt’
Answer: Black listeners were frightened by the message, while white listeners were enraged by the message. Hope this helps!!
At the beginning of the story, Feld, the shoemaker, yearned for his daughter to marry a man with a promising and wealthy future, so she could live a happy life. Later in the story, after two dates between both Miriam (her daughter) and Max (a young student), Feld was told by Miriam that she was not interested in Max, given her materialistic nature. Feld did not understand her reason at the time, but didn't give it much thought.
Near the end of the story, Feld realized Sobel's (his assistant) feelings for her daughter, but wasn't very comprehensive about them, given Sobel's old age and poor living conditions.
While watching Sobel's scorn after having his desires represed and considering Miriam could like Sobel in return, Feld had his epiphany: He grew comprehensive of Sobel's endurance to escape a land at war and to find any humble source of sustain available. Considering this hardship and his efforts to read books to gain interest from Miriam, Feld understood these endeavors were far more attractive and valuable to Miriam than that of a life of riches with Max. <u>Feld learned about humble love.</u>