Based on our science, the universe could have three possible shapes dependant on the amount of matter in it, the matter affects the curvature of the universe, linked to its shape and geometry. For example, a closed Universe will have a positive curvature, meaning that the average density is more than the critical density. An open universe, on the other hand, would have a negative curvature, and therefore the qaverage density would be less than the critical density. A flat universe would have no curvature and the average density would be equal to the critical density. These shapes relate to the fate of the universe, a closed universe would be finite, an open universe would be infinite and a flat universe would be infinite with no curve.
As a result of the geographic location of the region, virtually all Caribbean economies are susceptible to the dangerous forces of nature.
The protection and restoration of the Chesapeake Bay and its streams and rivers are essential to a healthy and vibrant economy. The Bay provides countless opportunities and dollars in regards to its fishing, tourism, real estate, and shipping industries. Furthermore, working to restore this vital resource helps spur job growth and protect the countless livelihoods that depend on the Bay's health. Quite simply, failure to "Save the Bay™" threatens the Bay's value as an economic driver. Conversely, investing in clean-water technology creates jobs, generates economic activity, and saves money in the long run.