An anticline - it is in an arch-like shape and its oldest rocks are located at its core.
Hell yea! Why do you think countries like China tried to limit their population?
Big population=less resources
Small population=lots of resources
The way humanity is going I'll be surprised if we are still not extinct by the next hundred years.
Answer: B. the amount of fresh water required to mix and dilute pollution in the water.
a grey water footprint is the volume of fresh water that has ben assimulated to pollutants baced on back ground concentration and compisision it also test ambiant water standards to see the quality of the water it has a certain standered that has to be exceded in order to pass as clean water the cleaner the better it is for the ecosystem the minerals and life need the freshest water to drink (no that just is for fresh water sorces) but it is also used for the acidity of the ocean it needs to stay a certain saltyness or the fish and aquatic life will have to relocate or they will just die.