Dreaded means disliked, great fear, so I think he simply meant that he didnt look foward to growing up. like he was fearfull of it
It is not a choice but a constitution of rights that every citizen of the country should be protected by the government.
It is a necessity and a promise by the government to protect its citizens. A private space in the country cannot be guaranteed by the government, but they protect in return for tax, joining the army and also following the ways of the government, trying to make it into a better country.
The government take immense step to protect its citizen, just for the tax and trying to make the country better than any other country. It is not a choice but a constitution of rights that every citizen of the country should be protected by the government.
The way he speaks sounds more formal. unlike today when most people when they speak they will say informal slang. it also soundalike he is trying to make a impact on people with what he is saying.