Dear Sir,
Since the day I arrived to this place, I have been hearing lot about your gym popularity. But, unfortunately due to the job work commitment could not get enough time to join personally.
However, from the next week onwards as I would be having some leisure time in the evening, I am very much interested to join your gym. Actually, before that I have certain queries in my mind for which I need your help. Firstly, what are the different kinds of memberships that your gym offers? How much each of these memberships cost? Moreover, what is the minimum and maximum duration one can avails the membership.
Undeniably, most of the gyms nowadays, provide some basic gym facilities like yoga, physical exercises and aerobics. Is the same kind of facilities are available in your gym or you provide only the basic activities.
As I am new to this place, so not sure what are the normal processes that are required for joining as a member. Additionally, is there any kind of address proof required for the joining? I would be thankful, if you could help to answer these basic questions for me.
I look forward to hearing soon from you.
Yours Faithfully
Abby L.
I have a brief story to tell of a day which I always remember and cherish during which I found out something very important about myself and my values in life. It happened when I was coming home from high school on my fisherman friends boat (we had to take a bus, then take a boat and then walk to get home). I was also a fisherman's son who also had worked on the fishing boat of my dad. But whereas my friend was in the general non-university program, I was in the university entrance program so I had aspirations for higher education. As we approached the float of my friend's house, I put down my briefcase with all my homework and jumped down onto the float with a line to help tie it up. Then when I looked up, my friend handed me my briefcase. This felt so good, that I was not forgetting my humble background and not acting superior but being what I was- a fisherman's son basically and primarily and secondarily a potential university student and that my friend appreciated my action.
<span>Antagonist is the correct answer hoped i helped</span>