I believe it's the last one.
One needs to look now farther than the first paragraph to realize that Vonnegut's tale is laced with irony and satire. The strongest hint is when he mentions that there are over 100 ammendments in the Constitution. All these ammendments are designed to make society "perfect." Later on George and his wife Hazel are discussing how George's handicaps, the bags of birdshot tied to his legs, are terribly inconvenient and painful. Hazel suggests George break a law and remove the bags since he isn't competing against anyone at home. George replies that if he broke the law so would others and they'd end up right back in the "Dark Ages". These examples depict there is no such thing as a perfect society. Equality does not bring about perfection and competition is essential for a thriving economy. In every society there are winners and losers.
Sorry if i'm wrong.
It was very helpful of the students to move the shelves for their teacher.
Being wise comes with age.
The dog was loyal to its owner since day one.
He’s the sort of man who’s always punctual.
The young boy was very stingy, so stingy that he would not even share his toys with his younger sister.
It was troublesome of the woman to climb the gate illegally.
The girl was honest when she explained why she had stolen from her mother.
The current scores were dominating compared last year’s.
The therapist nodded in understanding.
It was wasteful of the man to throw his half-eaten hotdog away.
was one of the major participants in the Seven Years' War which lasted between 1754 and 1763. Britain emerged from the war as the world's leading colonial power, having gained a number of new territories at the Treaty of Paris in 1763 and established itself as the world's pre-eminent naval power.
The war started poorly for Britain, which suffered many deaths from the plague and scurvy, and at the hands of France in North America during 1754–55; and in the loss of Menorca in 1756. The same year Britain's major ally Austria switched sides and aligned itself with France; and Britain was hastily forced to conclude a new alliance with Frederick the Great's Prussia. For the next seven years these two nations were ranged against a growing number of enemy powers led by France. After a period of political instability, the rise of a government headed by the Duke of Newcastle and William Pitt the elder provided Britain with firmer leadership, enabling it to consolidate and achieve its war aims.
In 1759 Britain enjoyed an Annus Mirabilis, "year of miracles", with success over the French on the continent (Germany), in North America (capturing the capital of New France), and in India. In 1761 Britain also came into conflict with Spain. The following year British forces captured Havana and Manila, the western and eastern capitals of the Spanish Empire, and repulsed a Spanish invasion of Portugal. By this time the Pitt-Newcastle ministry had collapsed, Britain was short of credit and the generous peace terms offered by France and its allies were accepted.
Through the crown, Britain was allied to the Electorate of Hanover and Kingdom of Ireland, both of which effectively fell under British military command throughout the war. It also directed the military strategy of its various colonies around the world including British America. In India British possessions were administered by the East India Company.
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