A) Look up the subject in the library catalog
Nowadays there are millions of books on different subjects and content. Therefore, looking through the alphabetized shelves and periodicals when searching for a book may be exhausting, and would take some time.
With the library catalog, we can save time and go directly to the book we want. The library catalog is the option more efficient and effective when looking for a specific subject, such as ancient Egypt, as this tool provides the full stock of the physical library and their locations and elements (such as author, title, subject, bibliography, etc.), which makes it more easier to locate one particular book in a less than a minute.
It is normal that women are beautiful, besides among the intelligent people known in the globe are the women, they are also smart and powerful. However, in the past centuries, women were not valued, and they were seen only as servants and were not allowed to contribute to any crucial matters, mainly that affected the state. Because of this, even when they lost their husband, they were nor supposed to inherit anything because they were powerless before the eyes of men. Men were considered authoritative and everything that a woman had belonged to them.
I'm pretty sure its B but I'm not positive
“Was” is the helping verb
“Taking” is the main verb
He inhaled deeply, and it was as though a part of the unseen something that constitutes nature had permeated the core of his being."
One his way up the lighthouse he stops at the shrine to give thanks to the deity for answering his prayer.