The oil crisis of 1971 added to severe U.S. economic problems
AAISW stands for Amalgamated Association of Iron and Steel Workers. It is a union tat represents the iron and steel workers and their needs, formed in 1876. The goal of this union was to regulate working hours, workload levels and work speeds and to improve working conditions. AAISW organized the Homestead strike- an <span>industrial lockout and strike which began on June 30, 1892 and culminated in a battle.</span>
Renaissance marriages were not simply personal matters; they were
crucial to the network of alliances that underlay a family’s prosperity
and prospects and that, in turn, formed the fabric of loyalties,
affection, and obligation that supported civic institutions. Arranging a
suitable match involved family, friends, associates, and aristocratic families, marriages were a currency of dynastic and diplomatic exchange
institute laissez-faire policies
laissez-faire :
government should not intervene except to protect individuals' inalienable rights