Iraq war that happened ages ago search on the Internet for more details
1.income is the amount of money received by a person, group or company during certain period
2.if the income is high than a child can study in good school .there will not be shortage of food .
we can check our health time to time . we can visit where we want.
3.if the income is not sufficient then a Person can be stressed . family members willnot get proper food ,clothing , shelter etc.childerns can't study in time or we can say can't study in good and faciliable school.
well irma would have been much worse had it not hit cuba. By that happening it weakened the strom to a catagory 5 to catagory 3
A likely natural feature in an extremely densely populated area would be a well watered, fertile plain. An example is the Northern plain of India also called the Indo - Gangetic plain. It s on one of the world's most densely populated area per square kilometer. This plain is formed from the flood plains of three great river systems - the Indus, the Ganga and the Brahmaputra. The soil cover in the plain is rich and fertile and water is found in plenty. These factors combined with a favorable climate makes it one of the most intensely farmed and populated areas in the globe.