A is the correct answer.
The Pendleton Act was designed to make sure that people in government were actually qualified for their jobs and just not there for patronage.
Patronage was a great way for the Executive branch to get stuff done, so it had an impact.
Bc they didn't want anymore colonies to build up
First, they imported a LOT of food from other parts of the empire. Rome is now built on the remains of Roman food packaging material: broken up pottery. Romans mainly lived on what is know as the mediterranean triangle: Wheat, wine and olive oil. Bread made up 70 to 80% of most of the Romans diet. Three kinds of food that are pretty easy to transport over longer distances. There were huge imports of grain from north Africa and Egypt. Rome lived on that grain. Wine and olive oil came from almost everywhere.
Is there any choices i can choose from if there is type it in under my question
i think the answer is the united states