B. providing a framework for government
A country is made up of individuals of different races, colors, backgrounds, and classes. Not everyone can take part in government affairs. There is, however, a need to have organized bodies that will represent the interest of the people.
Thus the United States Constitution provides for a regulated system of government by establishing the three branches of government. They are; the Executive, Legislature and Judiciary. According to the Constitution, the Legislative branch of government is made up of the Senate and House of Representatives. This branch of government is charged with the powers to make laws. Through these bodies, the wishes of the people come to life.
The English parliament wouldn't give the colonists representatives in the government, so the colonists felt like they had no say in where their tax money was going. (Taxation without representation) So, they broke away from England and started their own country.
In simple words, The Federalists presumed that this amendment was not appropriate since they thought that, as it stands, the Legislature restricted only the legislature, not the citizens. The Anti-Federalists argued that the Charter granted so much authority to the national government, and the population would be at threat of tyranny without a Bill of Rights.
During the early 1800's he attempted to organize a confederation of tribes to resist white settlement. During the war of 1812, Tecumseh and followers joined the British to fight against the United States. They fought against white settlement in 1812 and he was killed during the war.