Answer: Mochila, pupitre, papel, làpiz, and escritorio.
Desayuno means breakfast, carpeta is carpet, moneda is coin. Mochila means backpack, pupitre is a desk, papel is paper, làpiz is pencil, and escritorio is a teachers desk/ office desk (this one depends on the country, for some escritorio is every type of desk)
La cultura de Ecuador es posiblemente tan variada como su población y su política. La cultura dominante es una mezcla de influencias amerindias, españolas, africanas, norteamericanas y latinoamericanas. Su herencia mixta ha asegurado la existencia de una amplia gama de artes y oficios, literatura, estilos arquitectónicos y ritmos musicales.
Drive on the right side of the road and overtake on the left.
The minimum age to drive a car is 17.
Seat belts must be worn in the back seats if belts are fitted.
Children under 10 years old must always sit in the back of the car.